Teen Mothers Training and Infant Care Program


In February 2017 ACN partnered with the Single Mothers Association of Kenya (SMAK) to remove teen mothers and their infants from the streets of the Nairobi slums. 

Both the young mothers and their children are provided safety, food, shelter, clothing, and general care for one year on the SMAK compound. While their children receive day care, mothers receive vocational training, e.g., tailoring, soap making, bead work, baking, etc. and counseling.  

In February 2018 it will be time to review and learn from the pilot and hopefully, through the support of our donors, expand the program to include not only additional teen mothers, but pre-teen mothers, as well, all of whom have little hope for a sustainable future without our intervention.

Desert Bloom Widows and Orphans

Desert Bloom Widows and Orphans, a Community Based Organization (CBO) in the Obunga slums of Kisumu, Kenya, has received a high pressure cleaning machine to clean both bicycles and motor vehicles. All profits from the vehicle cleaning project subsidize the CBO's free, hot lunch program for 120 orphans.