ACN remains focused on assisting abandoned and orphaned children throughout the world who have no where else to turn for support. We have found considerable success in working with regional grassroots organizations to address the needs of these children, so find ourselves increasingly in a role of empowering both children and grassroots organizations in the country of focus. We empower the children by giving them the tools they need (education, vocational training, independent living skills, etc.) to transition from welfare to self-care. We empower regional organizations to initially assist and eventually take full responsibility for this work by serving not only in an advisory capacity but also by providing funding for joint projects.

Over the years it has been ACN’s experience that (1) there is no problem unless perceived as such by the person or persons facing it, and (2) marginalized populations seldom take ownership for a solution unless they, themselves, have played a role in formulating it. ACN’s greatest successes have resulted from assuming an advisory role in helping others identify and then resolve their own problems in a context best known to them.


  • A new Children’s Medical Ward in Uganda projected to provide over 10,000 children with health services each year.

  • Abused teen mothers in Kenya receive vocational training while their infants and toddlers receive day care.

  • Girls Accused of Witchcraft in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, who need help transitioning from a world of discrimination to a world of acceptance.

  • Girls formerly in the sex slave trade in the Democratic Republic of the Congo receive vocational training in soap production.

  • Children in a "Child-Friendly" area of a war-ravaged territory in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, who need education.

  • Children in Uganda's Kampala slums, whose parents were murdered by the Lord’s Resistance Army (“Children’s Army”) or died of Malaria, Tuberculosis, or AIDS and who need medical care and education.

  • Guardians of vulnerable children in Uganda's Kampala slums, who have formed a cooperative to produce feminine hygiene products and liquid soap.

  • A community-based organization feed its vulnerable children in Kenya's Kisumu slums through the operation of a high pressure cleaning machine for vehicles.

The list of children in need of your help continues to grow. ACN is resolved to do what it can, where it can, to assist these children in need. Your support makes this a possibility.